Try to cast directly in front of a fish, then wait for the fish to nibble.

Once your bobber is in the water, fishing works pretty much exactly like fishing in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (though I should point out that you won’t need any bait here). Note that adjusting the right analog stick will change both the direction and the strength of a cast. A strong cast will travel further, while a weak cast won’t travel very far. There’s a meter that grows and shrinks, and this shows you the strength of your cast.
You’ll cast by holding the R2 button (if you’re playing on PS4 like I am), and using the right stick to aim.

Now, all you have to do is go to the shore and cast into the water. Once it’s in your hand, you should see a bubble over your character’s head that has the fishing rod inside it. You can equip the fishing rod by opening up your inventory menu and selecting it with the action button (X on PS4). There will be a brief tutorial within your first few days on the island (Captain Billweather Scout is your bear - err… seagull?), but if you’re itching to get into it right away, here’s how it works. Kit, the fox/bear thing who runs the general store. If you’ve just started the game, you can purchase one from Mr.
Let’s grab a rod and start casting! The basics: how to fish in Cozy Groveįirst off, you need a fishing rod. If you’re here to learn more about the ins and outs of fishing in Cozy Grove, though, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a link to the complete list of fish in Cozy Grove. If you’re looking for a complete list of all 180 fish, I’ve got that in a different post. One quick note: For this particular guide, I’m going to focus on how all of the mechanics work - there are tons of details that a lot of other guides are leaving out, and knowing about those will make you a much better fisher of fish. I’ve spent hours and hours fishing in this game - it might be my favorite thing to do - and I’ve compiled everything I know about how it works into this handy dandy guide. Just like in Animal Crossing, you will spend a great deal of your Cozy Grove time fishing. Cozy Grove is the latest Animal Crossing-like to hit the market, giving players the opportunity to camp out on an ever-expanding haunted island with a bunch of ghost bears (some of whom aren’t quite sure that they are, in fact, bears).